A new guide will be published here on Cryptorials.io soon, but for now take a look at this great guide by Bitcoin Not Bombs: UPDATE: The iGolder service described below is no longer available.
Introducing SafeHamsters - May 27, 2021. Staking VS other ways of earning on cryptocurrencies – what makes most sense - June 14, 2021. BEST PGP SOFTWARE AND HOW TO USE HOW TO
How to follow a logical path through selecting the best cloud mining services in 2021? - July 15, 2021. You can then send this encrypted message through any email server to the recipient. Copy and paste your message to a word processor after encryption you would only see a bunch of gibberish. Step 8: Once you have added a recipient, click ‘Next’, and the encryption process will take place. You could either check for the person’s public key on a key server by going to ‘File’ then ‘Lookup Certificates on Server’ or ask the recipient to send you their public key, which you could then import into Kleopatra. You would need to add the public key of the recipient of your message. An empty box would pop up where you can paste your message and also add recipients. Step 7: To encrypt your first message: click on ‘Clipboard’, then ‘Encrypt in Kleopatra’. Step 6: The application would give you the opportunity to backup your public key, send it by email or upload it to a directory email service. That means encrypted data and emails will be inaccessible. Once you forget the passphrase, it cannot be recovered. After that, you would be prompted to create a strong passphrase that would allow you to access your messages. Press the ‘Create Key’ button after review. Step 5: Click “Next” after inputting the required data in Step 4 you would be taken to another window to review the information for the key pairs (public and private keys). A box would show for you to enter your name and email address. Step 4: Inside Kleopatra, click on ‘New Key Pair’ to create your public and private keys. You can find the Kleopatra program inside the GPG4win installation file. It is the graphical front-end for the software. Step 3: After installing GPG4win, you need to launch Kleopatra, one of the components you installed in Step 2. Using the default options is recommended here. Step 2: During installation, you would be asked to choose the components you want to install. The installation procedure is similar to other software. Then double click the executable package and begin the installation. To provide an example of how to send a private message using PGP, we will use Gpg4win to explain the process of creating public and private key pairs and sending an encrypted email. Though, the algorithm used to implement encryptions depends on the solution. However, what is standard in each of this encryption standard is the use of public and private keys. That means you can use it to send and receive encrypted messages from people using other OpenPGP applications. GPG: GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is an independent implementation of the OpenPGP standards. OpenPGP: An open-source version which has become a universally-accepted PGP standard was developed in 1997. BEST PGP SOFTWARE AND HOW TO USE CODE
Symantec developed a variety of encryption products based on the PGP code including Symantec Information Centric Encryption, Endpoint Encryption, Symantec Desktop Email Encryption, File Share Encryption, and Gateway Email Encryption acquired PGP Corp., the company who held the rights to the PGP code. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, the initial proprietary protocol, was released in 1991.
The PGP software comes in several variations: OpenPGP, PGP, and GPG. Now, the process outlined above is a general overview.
The recipient or receiver decrypts your encrypted message with a private key, which then enables them to read the message. Send your encrypted message through whichever email server. Encrypt your message using the public key of the recipient.